I have neglected the blog for a few months, but hopefully that's about to change. There's no way to blog about everything that's been going on, so here are a few highlights to get you caught up. I promise not to get this far behind again.
Natalie on the potty. Notice that she is looking at the "Geek-o Money" that she is so obesssed with.
She told me during her bath the other night that she wanted to wear this "hat." Silly girl!
* I have a job! I'm so excited about getting back to teaching after 2 years off. I'll be teaching 9/10 grade Language Arts and Yearbook at SCHS. It's going to be strange going back to teach at the high school I graduated from, but I'm excited about it.
* Natalie is talking in complete sentences, knows about 10 colors and 2 letters (B and Z... she thinks the Q is an egg), she loves singing "I See the Moon" and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and makes me sing them both every night before bed. On most nights, she wants to go outside and say goodnight to the moon before bedtime. She loves books, especially books about animals. She can name almost any animal you show her... even the weird ones like skunk, possum, hippo, etc. Her favorite animals right now are goats and cows. She picked out her own pjs from the store for the first time the other day... Dora the Explorer ones... and she's insisted on sleeping in the every night since. She LOVES coloring. We usually color 2 or 3 times a day. And, she is obsessed with the Geico money with eyes logo. She wants me to draw it for her all the time, she goes through my magazines looking for Geico ads so she can see the money, and the other day we got some junk mail from Geico so I let her open it and she got so excited about the paper with the "geek-o" money that she had to sleep with the paper that night. And, finally, we're in the first stages of potty training. My baby is getting so big!!!