Tuesday, December 30

grammar mini-lesson

I have successfully avoided this post for a year now, but the English teacher within has taken over and I have to say something.

Because I don't want to offend, and because there are several people I know who are guilty of this mistake, I'll present this as objectively and as simply as possible.

Most people understand the rules of when to use -s or -es (to show plurality)and when to use 's or s' (to show possession) and can use them correctly most of the time. But, I've noticed that when it comes to people's names, everyone gets confused. So, I'll try to help.

If Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their children are coming for dinner, then you can say that the Smiths (no apostrophe) are coming for dinner. There was more than one Smith so you add -s to show plurality.

If Mrs. Smith lends you a book, then you have borrowed Mrs. Smith's book. Add -'s to show posession.

If you're talking about your family and you want to show that there is more than one person in the family, you only need to add -s (or -es to names like Jones that already end in -s) and leave out the apostrophe.

Joe, Rachel, and Natalie Bevilacqua are The Bevilacquas, NOT The Bevilacqua's.

So, when you sign your Christmas card or title your blog... no apostrophe necessary. :-)


Jen said...

OMG Rachel, I LOVE it! :) :)


Anonymous said...

more pictures, please!