Monday, March 9

A Day With Nana & Toot

Natalie spent today with Nana and Toot (her great-grandparents). She always has a great time anytime she visits, but today was full of outdoor adventures. Here are a few of them.

Swinging with Toot

Riding with Toot on the lawn mower

Swinging with Nana

Playing on Toot's tractor

She also went on a Nature Walk with Nana where they picked flowers and looked at a stream.


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! It's like going back in time 27 years!

Anonymous said...

Natalie is a total joy!
Also Gregory & Wyatt!!
Inever knew you could go back & have Children & Grandchildren again! But you can!!
Great Nana & Toot!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pic where you can see the whole tractor with Natalie sitting on it! She looks so adorable and I like how you can tell how little she is compared to that BIG tractor!