Monday, July 21

mommy confessions

I was reading Mommy Confessions, one of my favorite blogs to visit, this morning and her latest blog was something I could really relate to. I won't retell her whole blog, but here's the best piece of it:

We can spend all of our free time toiling away at making our house nice and tidy, but why? Who are we trying to impress? Our kids don't care. They'd much rather spend the time making memories and traditions, which is sometimes messy business, than spend the time picking up toys and putting everything back in it's place.

If you want to read the entire post, or any of her other posts.... they're very entertaining... you can find the link in "blogs i read" on the right side of the page.

go. read. you'll like it.


The Hairstons said...

So true! And years from now, I'm sure we won't be thinking "I wish I would have cleaned my house more." We will be thinking "I wish the kids were little again!"

It is easy to get caught up in the day to day chores and other things that we sometimes need to just sit back and enjoy these incredible gifts from God. They grow too fast!

....that's what I will tell Jay anyway when he comes home to a messy house this evening! ha! =)