Monday, July 14

Today's Photo Shoot

It is so incredibly hard to take a picture of a 9 month old! I wanted to take some pics of Nat today while she was playing, but she never stops moving!! Or... when she noticed I had the camera she wanted to come play with it. I was either chasing her or being attacked by her. Speaking of attacked... she whacked me in the head with a matchbox car today. And as if that wasn't painful enough, the wheels got stuck in my hair and then she yanked the car... talk about pain! She thought it was hilarious!


Jen said...

She's so CUTE!

Hey- here's a website for "work at home moms." Check out the message board too, maybe there's something in there :)

Have a good day!


Unknown said...

I love these pictures! She looks so happy and it looks like she's walking!B&W'S are very "cool".Hope your head's ok Rach!I can remember getting hit with a few toys.After a couple of no no don't hurt Mommy and pretending I was crying it worked!LOL!